Eric M. Morrel, Ph.D.
Vice President, Operations/Clinical/Regulatory, Director, Co-founder
Dr. Morrel has been working in the biotechnology industry for over 25 years and in clinical research for the last 20. Dr. Morrel was previously Vice President of Clinical Research at Transport Pharmaceuticals, Inc. where he was responsible for the design and writing of all clinical Phase 1 - 3 Protocols, participated in the management and execution of those trials and contributed the clinical sections for all regulatory submissions. Prior to joining Transport, Dr. Morrel was associate director of clinical operations at Transkaryotic Therapeutics, Inc. (TKTI) where he was responsible for the execution and management of TKTI’s gene therapy Clinical Trial. Dr. Morrel began his work in clinical Research at Ascent pediatrics, Inc., a virtual company focused on reformulating drugs for the pediatric market, where he was assistant director of medical affairs. At Ascent he managed multiple phase 1-3 trials, including selecting, negotiating and managing the contracts of the CROs. Dr. Morrel has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from M.I.T., an M.S. in Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Practice from M.I.T. and B.S.E. in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University.